1. Ta

Thank you.


2. Taking the bisuit

You say that something (really) takes the biscuit when it out-does everything else and cannot be bettered.

  • Your Halloween costume last year was bad enough, but this takes the biscuit!


3. Taking the mickey

This is basically the same as taking the piss, but marginally more polite. Your grandmother would be much more likely to use this variant! Variation include 'taking the micky' and 'taking the Michael'.

  • Laura's friends were always taking the mickey out of her because of her obsession with teenaged idols.


4. Taking the piss

A common term in British English to describe making fun of someone.

  • James had a massive fall down the stairs landing in the lap of a drag queen last night, and everyone spent the entire night taking the piss out of him.


5. Totty

If a chap is out looking for totty, he is looking for an attractive girl to chat up. There's an Italian football player called Totti (same pronunciation). It's really funny hearing the commentators when he gets the ball saying "it's Totty for Italy". It sounds like some beautiful Italian girlies have invaded the pitch.

  • Any totty around last night?

More next month!

1. Ta

ありがとう【語源】thank you の短縮形


2. Taking the biscuit

Take the biscuit はすばらしく、際立っているなどという時に使います。

  • 君の去年のハロウィーンの仮装はあんまりだったけど、これはすばらしいね。

3.Taking the mickey

Taking the pissと同じ意味ですが、 少し丁寧な言い方です。おばあちゃんなどはこっちの表現を使うでしょうね!他には taking the micky」「taking the Michaelなど。

  • ローラの友人たちは、彼女が10代のアイドルに熱中するのをいつもからかっていた。


4. Taking the piss


  • 昨夜ジェームズは階段から転げ落ちて女装したオカマのひざの上にのっかってしまい、一晩中みんなにからかわれることになった。


5. Totty


  • 昨晩はいかした子はいたかい?
